October 2022

History & the Apple

As a collective of migrant women* we analyzed our own situation in Austria – as workers in the sex industry, cleaners for leasing firms, housekeepers and caregivers in companies and private households, care assistants in the health sector, but also as “the illegal”, asylum seekers, the unemployed, housewives, students, academics and scientists. And we decided to act.

Sex & Work

Die Aktivitäten von maiz im Bereich der Sexarbeit werden stets von den Bedürfnissen der Sexarbeiter*innen geleitet und sollen die Professionalisierung und Selbstermächtigung von Migrant*innen in der Sexarbeit unterstützen.


maiz is actively engaged in producing its own media content. Through its publications, which delve into subjects such as migration, gender, the labor market, anti-racism, and education, maiz adopts a critical stance. “We deliberately embrace our authority as knowledge creators!” (Caixeta)


migrazine - Online Magazine by Migrant Women* for Everyone is a multilingual magazine and alternative media platform that deals with migration-related phenomena as well as socio-political issues. migrazine went online for the first time in 2009, published by maiz (Autonomous Center by & for Migrant Women) in Linz, Austria, born out of a desire to make critical migrant voices more audible in the media and to stand up against the clichéd portrayal of migrants.


There has been extensive coverage of maiz in the media as well as in academic publications. maiz, in its own publications, takes a critical stance within the discourse on topics such as migration, gender, the workforce, anti-racism, and education, stating, “We deliberately embrace our role as creators of knowledge!” (Caixeta).